Monday, June 29, 2009

Packing my bags

So its not quite hello from down under yet, still trying to get everything together before heaading out. The official flight date is July 14th, so still a little time left before the wayfaring begins! At the moment I spending most of my time catching up with family & friends, squeezing in all those "...this is the last time we'll do this before you leave for a year!" moments. Slowly but surely I'm getting all my loose ends tied up & last preparations done. For anyone who may be fuzzy on the details of my trip here they are: In two weeks I fly south to begin my year long exploration of the beautiful & exciting country of Australia! I will be backpacking around with my friend Liz, traveling as much as possible & working through a program called Visitoz. I won't find out more about the specific work until I'm down there & doing the training but its supposed to be hospitality work, each job only lasting 2-3 months while we travel around! Plans aren't too specific yet as to where I'm going to go & when but as it is winter there right now we ideally want to head north first to catch the warmer weather. Thats pretty much all for now, so until next time...!