Friday, July 24, 2009

Time to head destination

So its been one whole week of training on Joe's cattle farm near Gympie where I've had more than my fair share of new experiences & found myself very surprised at all the things I could do when I set my mind to it. I have learned many things but among them the biggest realization is that while I try absolutely everything, farm life is not for me (especially extended stays).

I have been truly greatful for the loving yet backbuilding experience & family feel Joe & Peta along with Mr. & Mrs. Mooney, Scottie, & numerous farm/herd dogs provided for all of us. I think the best way to describe it is like Swiss Family Robinson meets Laura Engles Wilder with a pinch of the Bonanza feel to it. Mornings began at 6am sharp & by lunch time we had already put in a good solid six hours of work. My favorite tasks this past week were feeding the pigs, washing & herding the bulls, & the drive up into the hills (and by drive I mean serious 4 wheeling some steep terrain). There were many days when we ended very sore & exhausted from digging fence post holes, digging trenches, & setting up panels for the local Bull Sale this weekend. The food has been amazing with home cooked meals every night followed by spectatcular desert. Meal times were spent swapping stories of various colors & merry spirits. Afterwards everyone pitches in to clean up & tag team shower times while we try to one up eachother with bruises & farm related wounds. Despite nervous moaning & groaning I also had to learn how to use a chainsaw, drive a huge tractor, & ride a motorbike. Our small group has bonded quite well in the past few days already swapping emails & cell numbers with promises of keeping in touch as we embark on our new ways. Liz & myself have officially been dubbed the girly girls of the group with nick names such as Chatterbox, Miss America, Have a Chat. However it was unamimoulsy decided that we provided much needed comic relief & received A's in "communication" skills. Its nice to know my socializing can pick up the slack where my brute strength or construction skills lack.

Tomorrow I head North towards Cairns where I will be staying with a family doing a sort of nanny position & helping out with various odds & ends work on the farm with riding horses. So I need to finish packing...until next time!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wow!!! What an incredible first week...that really feels like its already been a month. After one day & night in Brisbane Liz & I headed to Frasers hostel on Rainbow Beach where we had an awesome & very exciting first weekend in Oz. There we were roomed up with about six other girls doing the working program with us. We immediately hit it off with two other girls one from France (Bonjour!) & one from Scottland both of whom were down for anything & everything we threw at them!

Day three (sat. am) the day began by taking a ferry to Tin Can Bay where we fed some wild dolphins named Harmony & Mystique. I also spotted my first pelicans! They cracked me up too, & then I had to fend them off from the fish I was trying to feed to the dolphins. Then the people driving the ferry were super nice & let us bring our breakfast on board when it came late & it was time to leave. Later that day we had surfing lessons on the beach which was so much fun! Although I did not really get up (I did get half way a few times though) I had a blast & can't wait to try it again...& now I know I have to try to focus harder instead of being distracted by the cute surf instructor!

Day Four (Sun.) was just as much if not more fun than sat. We began sunday morning off by going kayaking to Double Island where were saw pods of botttle nosed dolphins swim right past our kayaks. It was so amazing! Then we ended the day with another amazing experience by sky

diving out of a plane 14,000ft up & landing on the beach!!!! It was crazy but so beautiful at the same time! It was just so great to be able to see all the spots we had been to that weekend from up so high & the water was just absolutely sparkling! After that I'm pretty sure the other girls in our room dubbed us the "wild crazy fun bunch". Really they were all too great oppportunities to pass up. After so much fun & playing we were ready to get down to business.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Day in Australia!!!

YAAYY!!! We made it! We had a great, safe flight & temporary settling in Brisbane for our first day! The flight was about 13hrs which included 2 meals (& yes I totally geeked out & took a picture of it!) with loads of movies, games, music ect. to entertain even though I spent a large portion sleeping. We lucked out in the fact that Liz & I did not have seats next to eachoher because it encouraged us to befriend our neighbors & get up & walk around. While exhausted but at the same time excited so far we've already walked a great portion of downtown Brisbane while exchanging visas & whatnot. Currently I'm using the free internet @ the public library. Tonight is one night in a hostel called the Yellow Submarine before heading slightly south for the weekend & then on the move again to do a week of training before finding a job. My time's almost up but I'll do a quick summary. Within the first day of travels we have befriended new aussie contacts, chatted up a few locals, had my first Australian coffee & meal-Delicious!, & began life as a traveler living in hostels. Everything pretty much seems surreal at this point & I've already become snap happy although I realized I left my usb cord @ I'll have to figure out how to upload pictures soon enough so be patient!

Alright I've added a few pictures from the plane ride Brisbane! Yay for pics.!!!