Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day at the Croc farm!!!!

While Liz & I were chillin in Cairns we went to visit the Crocodile farm at Hartley's Crocodile Adventures where we saw a ton of crocs (behind fences though).

So I FINALLY saw my first koala! Too bad it wasn't a wild one but they were still stinkin cute!!!

This is a Cassowary-a very distant relative to velociraptors because they have giant claws just like them-even though you can't really see them in this picture-you'll just have to take my word for it. They also make this loud sound off the forest floor that sounds like a boom box blaring the bass-very cool birds! AND we got to hand feed them too!
The koalas slept most of the time...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This was the Attack Show where a trained professional...goes into the fenced in area with a crocodile & "plays" with it & shows you how it attacks!
He even got the croc to do the dead man's roll...theres a piece of meat attached to the rope he's holding.
Again don't worry folks...he's a trained professional who's been doing this for twenty plus years
So this part is where you get to go on a boat & they cruise you around the lagoon where theres a bunch of crocs swimming around freely.
Then they hang a stick with meat hanging off it right next to the boat & the crocs jump out of the water & rip it from the poles!!!!!
There was also a snake show too.
Some sort of lizard
Little ducks that have not yet been someone's dinner

SOOooo...the story here is that someone told me if you eat green ants they're supposed to taste like lime soda...and as curiosity would have it...
I had to see for myself!
You can just barely see it on the tip of my tongue there

More kookaburas. Actually when we first walked in them & the koalas were so still we thought they were stuffed & fake...until one of them twitched & then we realized we were a foot away from real live koalas!!!!

But this one isn't real. Makes for fun cheesey photos though!

1 comment:

  1. 10-24-09 Hi Carol, thanks for sharing your adventures. I noticed that the "trained professional" was in with the croc without and shoes, so I'm wondering if he has lost any toes?
    You have sent us some really great pictures.
    Cathy and I wern't sure what a kookabura was so we had to google it. Turns out that they eat snakes in the wild. Fun stuff to learn.
    Keep on blogging, we are your fans.
